Click on the picture below to be taken to a page where you can browse individual items you like that you see pictured here as well as the shops where these items were found and artisans behind them all!
Those plum drops and the beautiful colors of the swirl beads. The whole combination just draws my eye and makes me salivate.
Absolutely gorgeous.
Today's shop has a lot of gorgeous pieces like these, too! HeadpinWear on Etsy is filled with a terrific collection of beautiful jewelry from earrings to necklaces, bracelets and more.
The shop is organized to find what you want, too! Not just with sections for each type of jewelry they offer but also an "under $20.00" section for those browsing on a budget.
Czech glass shimmers among gemstones and crystals in this wonderful shop with a subtle, earthy feel combined with a touch of elegance.
If you're looking for a piece of jewelry to complement your features, fashion and your unique style then this isn't a shop you'll want to miss!
If you like what you see in Headpinwear's shop, you may also enjoy visiting the HeadPinWear blog or stopping by to say hi to the artist on Facebook!
[This blog post is a "BESTeam Feature" for the Boosting Etsy Shops Team. The BESTeam is dedicated to helping its members promote their shops and assisting each other in marketing, advertising and sharing the tips and tricks of running an online business. If you are a seller on Etsy and are interested in becoming a member of the BESTeam, the team is accepting new members and you can find more information about the team as well as apply to become a member HERE.]
I love giveaways and I really, really love winning free stuff. (Who doesn't?!?) It doesn't happen often but it always comes as a surprise when it does and brightens up my day.
Every Wednesday here on The Meandering Musings is "I Wanna Win" Wednesday! This is where you can come to find terrific giveaways to enter and win as well as share giveaways with others.
SO... Do you have a great giveaway going on this week or know someone who does? If so, spread the news and share!
In the Linky below, share your current giveaway or any great giveaways that you have discovered, or... explore (and enter to win) a few of the giveaways left by others.
After all, you can't win if you don't enter!
[ PLEASE ENTER YOUR LINKS IN THIS FORMAT...Name of Giveaway You're Sharing (End Date) ]
This shop has a variety of pretty items from tote bags to jewelry and a handful of sewing patterns. But I'm particularly drawn to the embroidered and felt brooches offered here and there's a series of them in autumn leaf colors that I adore.
Fabric brooches and pins make a great gift for teachers of young children and child-care workers, especially, since they are soft and therefore less likely to hurt when bumped or scraped against. The versatility of these brooches is terrific and those offered in Tamdoll's shop are beautifully made and completely adorable. YOU CAN CLICK ON THE PICTURES ABOVE TO VISIT TAMDOLL ON ETSY AND TAKE A LOOK AROUND OR, IF YOU PREFER, YOU CAN CLICK RIGHT HERE!
If you like what you see in Tamdoll's shop, you may also enjoy visiting Tamdoll's blog or stopping by to say hi on Twitter!
A self-taught full-time wildlife artisan since 1974 inspired by the beauty of nature and with a special affinity for crows and ravens in particular. In this shop you will find a variety of creative pieces from caste raven skulls to remarkably detailed metalwork pendants, rings and more with themes based in nature such as claws and skulls, hearts and anatomy pieces, animals, reptiles, etc.
Having years of experience with metal-working from mechanics to freelance iron contracting, this artisan creates a variety of unique handcrafted ironwork pieces from wall art to signage for homes, farms and more. A husband and wife team, they work together to offer one of a kind custom designs including special orders.
Remarkable wire-work jewelry! This artisan shows an amazing talent with wire that's demonstrated in every piece of jewelry offered in her shop. These handmade artisan jewelry pieces are designed using sterling silver, copper and gemstones in styles that range from everyday-wear to gorgeous artwork to wear.
Custom handcrafted copper work sculptures, fountains, birdhouses, planters, home decor and art designed and backed by 35 years of experience. These pieces are perfect for indoor or outdoor use and the artist offers a wide variety in his shop. The birdhouses in this shop are particularly breathtaking in my opinion.
I hope you enjoyed this tour through a few of the amazing artisans and artists on Etsy whose metalwork and creative spirit has caught my eye and hopefully yours too!