The Summer Solstice is upon us! This year seems to have gone so fast and here we are at the center crux of summer already. Today's Mosaic is dedicated to pagans the world round who celebrate the Summer Solstice as an important day in the wheel of the year.
Although officially the first day of summer, the Summer Solstice is in many cultures a holiday also known as Midsummer. This holiday is traditionally celebrated with bonfires and dancing and dates back to pre-Christian times.FairyWaterMagick - Fairy Water Magick Bath and Body Shop
FairyWaterMagick on EtsyA shop filled with fresh, beautiful herbs from the mundane selections of lavender and bay leaf to more exotic selections such as benzoin gum and Agar Agar Powder. There are suggestions for uses from magical to mundane (such as cooking and teas) in each listing description as well and they can provide larger quantities as needed.
MagickalCupboard - Luna Enchantments, Herbal Apothecary and Witch Wares
Lady MoonRaven from Pike County, PennsylvainaA shop ran by a High Priestess of the Alexandrian Tradition, this shop is filled with spell casting essentials as well as a collection of herbal apothecary delights, mystical gifts and more. The supplies found here are diverse and beautifully displayed, encompassing a wide variety of needs for the modern day witch or traditionalist.
BroomChick - Wedding Brooms and Besoms for Every Occasion
Broom Chick from Eugene, Oregonwedding brooms and witches besoms and brooms for cleaning and all other occasions. These handcrafted brooms are made of 100% organic materials with attention to detail is paid every step of the way, from harvesting the raw materials to the finished piece. This shop also does special orders and custom creations!
WhiteMagic - Old World Magick for the Goddess Witch
White Magic from Sonoma Valley, CaliforniaFrom candles and oils to jewelry and incense, this shop is filled with a wide variety of supplies and gifts of magical means including spell kits and more. There is candle magic and perfume oils, kits and ritual tools as well as pendulums, herbal alchemy and more available to browse through to your heart's content.
Historically, the celebration of Midsummer's Eve was from ancient times linked to the summer solstice. Some people believed that mid-summer plants had miraculous healing powers and they therefore picked them on this night. Bonfires were lit to protect against evil spirits which were believed to roam freely when the sun was turning southwards again.
In modern times, this holiday is still celebrated in many European countries as well as all over the world!