Today's shop is a BESTeam (Boosting Etsy Shops Team) shop, but that isn't even close to why I'm excited. I'm excited because I've been waiting to feature this shop for what feels like forever!
I've wanted to feature this shop since

Conduit Press on Etsy is the shop I'm talking about today. It's a shop filled with some of the most beautiful leather journals!
I'm a big fan of journal writing. I've been writing in journals off and on throughout my entire life. I have journals for daily living. Journals for rants. Journals for poetry, for ideas, for inspirational thoughts. I have a dream journal and a short story journal and even a journal filled with lists!
I love them.
I love opening up a book filled with blank pages, like an entire secret world of possibilities. And I love the idea that some day, when I've passed on, pieces of me will be scattered in these books for my loved ones to thumb through, read and enjoy.

Conduit Press has plenty of different styles of journals and notebooks to choose from too, and they're all beautifully made with a wonderful sense of purpose and style.
Each and every one of Conduit Press' books are handmade with love and care toward both its new owner and the environment, too. And each one is a one-of-a-kind creation. You know you'll not find another one like it when you purchase from this wonderful shop... not even another one like it within the store you bought it from!
You might also enjoy checking out the Conduit Press blog, as well as their Facebook page and Twitter page!
[This blog post is a "BESTeam Feature" for the Boosting Etsy Shops Team. The BESTeam is dedicated to helping its members promote their shops and assisting each other in marketing, advertising and sharing the tips and tricks of running an online business. If you are a seller on Etsy and are interested in becoming a member of the BESTeam, the team is accepting new members and you can find more information about the team as well as apply to become a member HERE.]
I love journals too. Especially the covers of them so pretty and fun to write in. It helps the creative juices flowing.
Lovely shop and Lovely write up! I'm a journal junkie, especially for leather ones. There's something so special about writing your secrets in a leather journal!
Great feature! I can almost sniff the fresh blank pages of the brand new journal!
What a great shop! I fell in love with several journals. :)
I'm with you there - I have a definite journal addiction. I have a ridiculous amount of them, and I'm always happy to get more. lol
awesome! I love journals
I have always loved writing in my journals - I will definitely check out these journals - I love the leather bound one!
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